Entrepreneur Traits Series — Time

Anand k Padmanaban
3 min readJan 31, 2021

Some say these are the good times; some say these are the bad times. Some say these are the right times; some say these are the wrong times.

Successful entrepreneurs understand that good times, bad times, right times, wrong times are incorrect assumptions and that this is the only time they get, and they make the best use of current time.

Successful entrepreneurs know that these are the good old days; these are the days of their lives.

It seems that technology has not really given us more time; instead it has just allowed us to do more each day with our time.

In fact, many people today are so pressed for time that they are caught up in a vortex. They spin from thing to thing, staying in constant motion and trying to do as much as possible in a single day.

Actually, I have discovered that one of the most significant distinctions between successful people and losers has little to do with the actual amount of work they do, but with the actual amount of smart work they


  • Successful people commit to making time for what they want to do and what they most enjoy doing.
  • Successful people know that balance gives you perspective and is critical for long-lasting success. They enjoy the moment of NOW and live in the present moment.
  • Successful people actually schedule downtime to simply chill out — alone. Setting some time aside every day for you can prove to be a powerful tonic in today’s frenzied world.
  • They also believe in the phrase “health is wealth” and make sure that they are healthy first since they believe a healthy body makes a healthy mind.
  • Successful people tackle small problems before they grow into bigger ones and nip the problem in the bud; they also know that the longer a problem exists without being addressed the more expensive and time consuming it will be to fix.
  • Successful people are aware that considering problems (Positive) and worrying (Negative) about them are two different things and procrastination is an absolutely worthless thing to do.
  • Successful people try to live better and better and try to find satisfaction in their daily lives rather than constantly waiting for that something great to happen.
  • Most successful people have a goal to have as much pleasure every day as possible.
  • Successful people know how to fight procrastination. Do remember that procrastination has many different causes: monotony, fear, perfectionism, boredom, unclear goals, and so on.
  • Successful people are flexible enough with their time so that they can act quickly when a good idea comes to mind.
  • Successful people know that they should make hay when the sun shines. To make sure the idea gets realized; they discuss it with someone or make notes.
  • Successful people do not get bogged down and organize well.
  • Successful people know the specifics of their job and don’t waste precious time duplicating other people’s work.
  • Successful people give themselves thinking time that’s separate from their working time.
  • Successful people stay focused. Though successful people know how to be flexible, they also understand the importance of focus. That delicate balance needs practice and must be developed.
  • Successful people try to act on every item the first time they see it, hear it, or read it.
  • Successful people do not create busy work to avoid doing what needs to be done.
  • Successful people help others prioritize so they can work better themselves
  • Successful people are not stingy with their time when it counts — and it counts in important relationships.

Successful people ground themselves with solid principles and have a strong moral compass.

