Anand k Padmanaban
2 min readJun 30, 2022


Being World Class At What You Do

#BeingWorldClass #bethebestyoucanbe
How many of us do the best we can do in any task given to us? Most of us like tasks which are exciting to do and do a great job but often do an average job on things we don’t like to do.

Did you know most successful people focus on being world class in anything they do ? The well known venture capitalist of Floodgate — Ann Miura-Ko was a student at Yale and as part of her scholarship she was an assistant to the Dean. When she informed her father that she was an assistant and had to to basic secretarial work, her father prodded her and asked if she could explore doing what she did world class ?

Ann took that feedback seriously and focused on doing her tasks world class (making crisp copies, implementing an excellent filing system etc etc) and was taken note of by the dean and others. Ann was once asked by the dean to help do a college tour for a gentleman named David, she did a fantastic job of it focusing on the task at hand and the guest David was so impressed with her that he asked her if she would like a tour of where David worked. It was then that Ann found out that David was one of the founders of Hewlett and Packard. David would soon become a mentor for Ann and that was instrumental in Ann’s spectacular career growth.

Ann Miura-Ko is a co-founding partner at Floodgate, a seed-stage venture capital firm with notable investments in companies including Lyft, Twitter, Twitch, and Okta . She has earned repeat appearances on the Forbes Midas List and The New York Times list of top twenty venture capitalists worldwide and is a faculty in Stanford where she teaches entrepreneurship. She attributes her success to always focusing on being world class at everything she does.

So, what are you working on today ? How can you make it world class? This is a thought I am going to leave you with …

